Bhaso Ndzendze
Bhaso Ndzendze

Bhaso Ndzendze is an Associate Professor of Politics and International Relations at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa, where he leads the 4IR and Digital Policy Research Unit (4DPRU). In the same institution, Bhaso has served as Vice-Dean for Internationalisation, Head of Politics and International Relations. His academic research deals with questions on the interaction between global trade and territorial disputes. His work at APRI is focused on the geopolitics of digital policy, the BRICS, and Africa-China relations. His APRI knowledge products so far include What is Africa’s Digital Agenda? He has also authored and co-edited numerous books including, Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies in International Relations (World Scientific Press), The Political Economy of Sino-South African Trade and Regional Competition (Springer) and The BRICS Order: Assertive or Complement the West? (Palgrave Macmillan).

All work from Bhaso Ndzendze

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