APRI - Africa Policy Research Institute in close collaboration with ENDA Energie is hosting a one day workshop to launch the report on Locally-led Adaptation. The report is a result of the Climate Change Adaptation: Strategies, Initiatives, and Practices project implemented by APRI with ENDA Energie. The aim of the project is to understand the status, challenges and opportunities of climate change adaptation in Senegal, with a particular emphasis on locally-led adaptation (LLA). The event is also an opportunity to:
- Share the various scientific products of the research project focusing on climate action in relation to the implementation of the NDC in Senegal;
- Engage in discussion with diverse stakeholders to draw insights on how to strengthen climate action in Senegal and beyond;
- Strengthen collaboration between various stakeholders;
- Generate interest and support for scaling up locally-led adaptation initiatives through enhanced resource allocation and institutional support.
The workshop is taking place in the context of ENDA Energie’s Energy-Climate Week on the theme: A just and sustainable transition driven by non-state actors.